Semi-formal, any colour you want. Want to get dressed up? Go for it! Want to wear a shirt with no stains on it? Go for it! There will be dancing, so choose your wardrobe accordingly. Maybe don't wear a white dress...
We will do our best to accommodate any dietary restrictions you have! Our caterer can cook gluten/dairy/peanut free etc. but may not be able to guarantee that there are no traces of allergens in the food. Please contact us if you have any concerns.
We will not be serving alcohol.
Your young children are adorable and welcome, but we don't have childcare or designated areas for naps etc. If you have any concerns, please contact us.
The best gift is you sharing in our joy! Don't feel obligated. If you would like to give a physical gift, cash is preferred, but we do have a registry available on this website as well. Ix would be over the moon if someone found him a hurdy-gurdy.
If you're up for staying a bit later, we could definitely use your help cleaning up the venues when the wedding is done! Tony and Gladys will be coordinating that the day-of, please speak with them. If you want to help with wedding preparations, please contact Ix or Natasha. Thank you!
Email us at:
Call/text Natasha: 1 (306) 292-9000
Call/text Ix: 1 (306) 717-9403